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So today, in an effort to not explode over everyone in America blaming Biden for high gas prices (never mind the rest of the world having high gas prices without Biden being their president), I decided to look at a nice story about penguins.

Except… this story wasn’t a story about penguins, it was a story about a story about penguins. And it is a platform for some of the worst, most vile anger and hate I’ve ever seen. Seriously, I can’t even imagine how some people’s brains work.

“And Tango Makes Three” is a children’s book. It is based on a true story about two male penguins at the Central Park Zoo who formed an attachment, and an egg that had no one to look after it. Roy and Silo hatched the egg and were just like the other families. The baby penguin is raised by two ‘dads’. This book is apparently one of the top 6 banned books in the past 20 years.

The article that I was reading was commenting about the fact that a teacher read it to his kindergarten class. People were full of hate and anger about this. The comment that stands out to me was something like “what kind of a twisted pervert would read about sexual deviance to kindergarten kids?”

Does it have sex in it? No. Does it have violence in it? No. Does it say your family should be gay? No. Is it even about homosexuality? No. It is about a non-traditional family that was full of love and devotion.

I think that people somehow conflate being gay with sex. Being gay is not about sex any more than being straight is about sex. If you are a child in a home with two dads or two moms, you don’t think any more about your parents having sex than you do when you are a child in a home with one dad and one mom.

Whether or not you ‘believe’ in people with a difference in sexual orientation living their lives, it is happening. For the Christians reading this, Jesus never said a single word about homosexuality that we have recorded – but he said a great deal about religious people looking down on people who didn’t stick to all the old rules and traditions.

The people who worry that knowing about different orientations will ‘turn their child gay’, must really have latent sexuality issues themselves. Do you think that being with a same-sex partner sounds so good that if kids knew they could do it, they would? Because those LGBTQ2S people have been around traditional relationships their whole lives, and it hasn’t turned them straight.

So, I challenge all of my readers to read the book and judge for yourselves. Then, decide whether this children’s book deserves to be one of the most banned books in the world. Also, remember all of the fuss people made when a publisher decided to retire a couple of books because they contained racist stereotypes. They weren’t banned, taken out of libraries, taken out of schools… the publishers just decided not to republish those books. The people screamed ‘book banning,’ ‘cancel culture,’ ‘antifa’!!! And this lovely little book about three ACTUAL penguins has been actually banned in schools, libraries, and stores.

People are nuts.