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They say that it’s the first day of Spring.  Yes, chronologically speaking, by the length of days and the phases of the moon, and whatever else it’s measured by, I guess it IS the first day of spring. The weather does not know this.  There are no new buds bursting forth, no baby animals hopping around, and no warm breezes to be felt.  There is snow.  And more snow. And just in case that wasn’t enough, it snows again. And it’s cold.  So I am fairly unimpressed with this Equinox so far.  But… There is good news to be had…

Today is also International Happiness Day!!!  I don’t exactly know how they legislate something like happiness.  Does this mean that we should feel guilty if we are not happy today?  Does it mean that we must feign happiness throughout the day?  Oh, I hope not!  It does make me think, though.  I think that today I should set aside anxiety and stress and just do what makes me happy! (Assuming, of course, that my happiness does not cause others harm.) So, what is it that makes me happy today?  I’m thinking BOOKS!

I have been a reader since I was 4 years old.  Books have been old friends, exciting adventures, peaceful interludes and sources of inspiration.  When I was in third grade, I wrote an essay about why I love books, and I won first prize in the county fair with it!

Lately, I have not been reading much.  I got new eyeglasses in November, and was talked into ‘progressive lenses’ by my doctor.  They called them ‘bifocals’ when I was younger.  They work great for computer use, and I am getting accustomed to them for distance and everyday wear.  But they fail when it comes to reading a book.  Really, are there any voracious readers who sit at a table to read a book, looking down at a 195 degree angle, through the little reading lens on their glasses? Not to my knowledge.  I know that I, for one, enjoy snuggling in bed, or reclining in a comfy chair, nose deep in a good page-turner.  Impossible with my progressive lenses.  I am looking into getting a pair of glasses exclusively for reading in bed, but until then – what?

Yesterday, I took a trip to the library.  Did you know that in Edmonton, we are celebrating 100 years of library lending?  As part of the celebration, they are offering free library cards and membership!  So I got a free card, and immediately took out a stack of books to read, forgetting my eyesight problem.  I am so excited to explore Elizabethan England through the eyes of a Viscount, experience Bonne Magie in New Orleans, decipher who dunnit in a quaint little made-up town, and visit Princess School in another world.

So, today being Happiness Day, I am ignoring my job search, letting the dust settle in my living room, serving leftovers for supper, and indulging in a good read.  I shall remove my glasses, and hold the book an inch and a half from my face.  It’s only for a day.  It won’t make me blind (er)!

And that‘s what makes me happy today!